Friday, February 7, 2014

Tennishoes Among the Nephites

I recently read a book called "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites". Before I read this book my understanding of the Book of Mormon was confusing. "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites" goes back in time when Nephites and Lamanites were on the earth, this helps me understand better because it brings ancient stories to life, helping me learn the gospel more clearly. Some characters from the Book of Mormon I didn't understand. In some parts of the book they described the characters and what they did, for example some of them are Ammon, Heleman, Hagoth, and Captain Teancum. Ammon was a great missionary and baptized King of the Lamanites, Lamoni. Heleman led 2,000 young men into battle, not a soul died on Heleman's side.  I now have a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon because of the wonderful stories and the great faith they had.  I'm now starting to read the second book.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Mother's Story

Once there was a lovely mother named Renee Campbell. Who had 3 girls, & expecting a boy. You could tell she was lovely inside and out. As she walked down the street, people would say she was a wonderful mom. She was so patient with her kids, people called her the "Mom of All Nations". How do I know all of this you might ask. Well, let's just say this wonderful mom is my mother. My mom will have a  well known legacy by her family. she'll always be there for me. I'm glad she is my mom, and I know my sisters are too. I'm so glad that I can be with my mom and my family forever because of Temples and the Plan Of Happiness!

ITS A BOY!!!!!!

I'm Going To Have a Brother!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Hi every one Today is my dad's birthday, he is turning 34!!!!! He is the best dad you could ever have. He works so hard for his family. I don't know how to say this but in any other way than say I love him & by showing him that I will bake cookies & sing birthday songs, Put on the Beatles for him, And well throw a big family birthday party!!!!!
See He's so funny!! When we were at the store we passed by the cake section and mom said, " I totally forgot a birthday cake for you Nate" And he said to me that when you get older you sometimes don't get birthday cakes. Boy was he wrong, In this house no one ever has a birthday without a cake and ice cream. But this year I'm making cookies for him. Oh, and dad if you are reading this well.... Happy 34th Birthday!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

S.S.S.S. (Some Spooky Secret Stuff)

Hello again, I have some great news!!!!! But  I won't tell you yet, you will have to wait until Halloween. If you really want to know, check my blog at midnight on Halloween. See you then.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The adventures of the home school group.

Last week me & my family along with some other home school kids, went to the Planetarium for a field trip. And let me just tell you it was totally cool! We went to see this movie about the kings of Egypt and their stars. & how they believed in their "gods". But my favorite part was at the end. Instead of the screen being on the wall, it was on the ceiling, so it kinda made you dizzy. The reason I liked the end was because they show you this roler coaster on the screen, but it was like you were in the roler coaster. After that we went to the park & found more home school kids. I think my mom was happy about that!:)